A vertical garden is a wide-range term, and has many implementations. In this article, we will discuss the most popular: the living wall or, the so-called, green wall.
What is a green wall?
A green wall, also known as a living wall, is a vertical gardening system used for indoor living decoration. It involves attaching plants to a vertical surface using planters or plant pockets. Living walls offer a creative and space-efficient way to cultivate a variety of flora, creating a beautiful and vibrant display of nature indoors.

Advantages of living wall indoor
It is well known that plants are so much better than the white-boxed space we all are used to, and here is why:
+ Improves mental health and well-being of your colleagues
The motivation of your employees is something that is difficult to nurture just with pizza and beer Fridays, we are not saying that plants will solve it all, but hear us out.
The office plants add a touch of nature to the workspace and offer many benefits that positively impact employees' health and well-being. One of the key gains is better staff well-being. We have done some research based on feedback from employees that are daily surrounded by plants in their office, which has shown that plants in the office environment can help reduce stress levels and increase productivity. Integrating plants into the office gives colleagues a sense that their management cares for them, and helps to create a healthier and more supportive atmosphere that boosts overall well-being and contentment. After all, leveling up the overall satisfaction score is every Human Resources Manager's blush fantasy.
+ Increases employee productivity
Plant wall systems act as air purifiers by filtering out toxins and releasing oxygen, which leads to cleaner and fresher air. That in its turn has proven to increase productivity and efficiency. Also, improved air quality helps prevent respiratory issues and allergies, leading to a healthier workforce.
Procrastination can be attributed to a few causes, one being that it is hard to maintain enthusiasm for your work daily throughout the year. In Switzerland, we receive only 70.5 days of sunshine, which makes sustaining motivation for work a challenge. However, being surrounded by plants and seeing vegetation slowly grow, and flourish, we start believing in our own growth and endurance, which clearly impacts our mental health.

+ Employees feel more valued when provided with a worthy workspace and in turn, produce a higher work quality
Introducing plants into the office offers many advantages that affect company culture and appeal to different generations. It is well known that the trend is that younger generations prioritize the work environment and team dynamics over salary and benefits. As we strive to bring employees back to the office, it is crucial to understand their preferences. Providing a healthy green living environment in a workspace can meet the needs of the Z generation, while also catering to the millennials' desire for a calming element, such as a plant to look at before their brief meditative rest.

+ Greenery will transform your office design
Decorations for an office may not be cost-effective when considering what you get. When it comes to small businesses, it can be difficult to justify spending any significant amount on office decor. However, a small investment that can go a long way toward creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere is plants such as palms and ferns. Natural greenwalls can be aesthetically pleasing, and create a signature statement for your brand - all for a relatively minimal expenditure. It is a simple way to transform your office into a positive working environment that staff and customers will be drawn to.

Check out other Oxygen projects here
+ Cleans air and reduces heat
Keeping plants inside may raise the question "Can photosynthesis happen in artificial light?". Indeed, it can, and its natural mechanism helps to reduce the concentration of harmful gasses in enclosed spaces, creating a healthier and more refreshing environment. According to NASA tests with common air chemicals, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene, the best cleaning plants for those are snake plants (Sansevieria), pothos (Epipremnum aureum), and peace lilies (Spathiphyllum).
Around 90 percent of the water that is given to the plants gets transpired through their leaves into the air. Research has found that by keeping the relative humidity on a continuous level between 40 and 60 percent, the floating and survival time of viruses can be reduced significantly.
Disadvantages of green wall
- Potential allergies
Considering the well-being of your employees, we recommend conducting one round of surveys for plant allergies. After that, you can make an informative decision on plant species that you bring to your office.
- Indoor walls need regular care
Having a vertical plant wall system in your small office requires regular watering and tending. No one likes too much moisture in the office, therefore we recommend hiring external help with that.
- Plants need space
Compared to space-expensive plant pots, a vertical garden is a smart way to bring vegetation into the small office. Nevertheless, at least one meter of space and 40 centimeters in depth is required.
- Light Requirements
Plants need light to survive. If your office doesn't have enough natural light, you may need to install additional lighting, which can increase energy costs.
4 Best plants for the vertical garden:
Any plant suitable for pot growth will do well in a vertical garden. We specifically picked greenery plant species that strive in a low-light environment, and high humidity. Additionally, we prefer plants that grow fast and have a jungle-like appearance. So here are our 7 best light-absorbing, oxygen-producing plants:
1 . Scindapsus Epipremnum Aureum
Golden Pothos or Devil's Ivy is well-known because of its heart-shaped leaves, which allow it to quickly fill the space with its ever-growing vines. This plant creates an atmosphere of urban jungles and comes in all colors: light green, orange, dark green, pink, yellow, and just green.

2. Schefflera arboricola Compacta
Because of its small size, it is also known as a Dwarf umbrella tree. Schefflera is native to Taiwan, so you can see it in every is used for indoor growing, it is easy to maintain and loves moist ground. Schefflera arboricola can be a central piece and looks gorgeous as a part of the vertical green wall.

3. Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Rasta’

Aeschynanthus is a type of epiphytic plant that can grow on surfaces other than soil, such as other plants, and trees. It thrives in humidity and doesn't do well in direct sunlight. Its nickname, the lipstick plant, comes from its red flower petals that resemble lips, the blooming season is in the spring. The typical problems you may encounter with this plant are the dropping of leaves owing to aridity and turning yellow from overfertilization. Aeschynanthus 'Rasta' is a non-toxic plant, which means it is safe for pets to be around, so bring your dog to the office!

4. Scindapsus pictus trebie

The Pictus trebie is similar to the Golden pothos but has noticeable differences in appearance. Its heart-shaped leaves feature milky flecks and a texture that has earned it the nickname Satine Pothos. These plants can be used to create a beautiful green curtain or a vertical garden wall. They are especially suitable for office environments because they do not require frequent maintenance and can grow quickly by spreading their lianas.

What other plants can I place in my office?
Now that you know about green walls, you can take a look at other indoor plants. Including:
Why do we not recommend moss for the office?
Living walls have been associated with moss, which was greatly popular for quite some time. However, living moss has proven to be an inefficient choice for such installations. The reason is that the moss can absorb humidity from the air and collect it, which can cause your moss art piece to go mushroomy. Also, it requires too repetitive watering, and it is challenging to maintain its green appearance, as even slight dryness of the air or exposure to sunlight turns it yellow.
Using dry moss may be a good decision for your art gallery, but it has no biological value as it doesn't produce oxygen.
Questions and Answers about the living wall
Do green walls need sunlight?
No, if the plants are picked correctly then they can strive in (artificial) low-light spaces. For such reasons, plants such as Chamaedorea elegant, Monstera minima, Monstera obliqua, Scheflera arboricola compacta, Scindapsus epipremnum aureum, Philodendron scandens, Peperomia obtusifolia green are the best suited.
What is the lifespan of a green wall?
How long does it take to install an indoor vertical green wall?
What plants shall I pick for my vertical green wall?
How much space do I need for a vertical green wall?
This article was brought to you by Lala Rud, marketing representative