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How The Power of Office Plants Can Solve Your Humidity Problems

Image of marketing superstar Eloise Beytrison

Brought by Eloïse

Plantes de bureau pour une bonne humidité

Until recently, the significance of humidity levels was unknown to the non-scientific world. Now, it is recognised as a crucial environmental factor for office air quality.

Admittedly, finding the perfect humidity range of 40-60% is laborious. But maintaining it even becomes an Herculean task when parameters such as the outside temperature variations, the condensation, and the building's infrastructure sabotage your efforts.

Especially significant are the consequences of prolonged exposure to low or high humidity levels. This factor alone has the potential to impact employees' or clients' physical and mental health
 (Guarnieri et al., 2023). 

For every complex problem there is a solution 

By entrusting this responsibility to our team, we will monitor your indoor air quality, regulate it with functional and aesthetically pleasing plant setups, and thus, optimise your stakeholders' well-being.

But before we dive into benefits, doubts and "fun facts", here is all you should know about humidity

George Bandi

George Bandi

R&PD Specialist

Did you know..?

  • The relative humidity level (RH), refers to the amount of moisture in the air compared to the maximum amount it can hold at a specific temperature (Guarnieri et al., 2023). If you want more precise information, we have an interesting article available here

  • The optimal range lies between 40-60%​ (Wolkoff, 2018). Other ranges can be detrimental to our health for the following reasons:

    • Low range (<40%): The most common consequences of dry air include eye inflammation, sore throats, and irritation of the airways and skin. This sensitivity can increase the risk of certain types of infections.

    • High range (>60%): High moisture levels can be as harmful as low levels. Excessive humidity can create ideal conditions for the growth of risky microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and molds (Baughman & Arens, 1996). 

First, check out this experiment 🧑‍🔬

Graphical representation of an air analysis from an experiment comparing air quality in a meeting room with and without plants. The visualization shows clear differences in CO2 levels and humidity, with the presence of plants significantly improving air quality. The data illustrates how plants in the room contribute to a healthier and more pleasant work environment.

Results Analysis 

When comparing the results from different days, it is clear that the air quality has significantly improved. The most notable factors are certainly the levels of CO2 and VOCs. Additionally, it is evident that the plants have helped to raise the humidity to a comfortable level, despite the high outside temperatures (over 30°C).

Moreover, is it not striking to see how quickly the air quality can deteriorate? Indeed, elevated levels appear as early as the second day. However, by the fourth day, our plants managed to restore a healthy working atmosphere. 😊

Sterling chart for visualizing the optimal humidity range that represents ideal conditions for the growth of certain pathogens. The chart shows the humidity levels at which the proliferation of germs, mold, and bacteria is encouraged and where the humidity is within the safe range to minimize the development of such pathogens.

Setup Characteristics

To demonstrate the efficiency of our plant concepts, we conducted an experiment.

For one week, we measured the air quality in one of our meeting rooms both before and after the implementation of plants. Although the room continued to be used as usual, we minimised the influence of external factors such as air conditioning and excessive ventilation.

Visualization of an air analysis from an experiment investigating the effects of plants on air quality in a meeting room. The results show how plants improve air quality by reducing CO2 concentrations and increasing humidity. This representation highlights the positive impact of plants on creating healthier and more pleasant indoor air.

An easy way to visualise the optimal humidity range is with the help of a "Sterling Chart". It depicts what type of humidity level is favourable for certain pathogens to grow.

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The Swissgrid Office -
A Prime Example for A Successful Greening

Swipe left to see a before / after of one of our projects!

1. Plants, Those Cool Humidity Heroes 

Most of us are familiar with the term "photosynthesis", and the subsequent creation of oxygen and energy that arises from the process. However, what might come as a surprise to many is that this CO2 transformation is by far not the only function of plants!

Plants are smart humidity adjusters with powerful natural regulation systems. When the air gets dry, they raise humidity through "transpiration", whereas, when there is more moisture in the air, they automatically decrease their water release. Some species can redistribute up to 80% of the water they absorbed into the air if needed! This transpiration process allows for the natural regulation of humidity levels in the office, thus maintaining an ideal range.

The Square building at HSG in St. Gallen is designed with innovative greenery that complements the modern architectural concept. Vertical gardens and lush plant arrangements create a welcoming and inspiring atmosphere while simultaneously improving air quality and the well-being of users. The thoughtful placement of plants harmoniously integrates nature into the urban space and fosters a sustainable environment for students and staff.

2. Triple Win: Affordable, Air Purifying, and Beautiful Greenery

​Many firms rely on mechanical systems to keep humidity under control. Of course, these machines are highly efficient technical wonders. However, they consume quite a lot of energy and are not exactly aesthetically pleasing. 

Luckily, we are here to propose to you a greener, healthier, and more aesthetically pleasing alternative! Implementing plants in your office will not only regulate humidity naturally through the transpiration process, but it will also be energy-efficient, as plants do not require supplementary energy input. Additionally, plants will filter potentially harmful pollutants from the air, enhancing overall air quality.

Our plant concepts have been successfully incorporated into companies' ESG reports! 
For more information please refer to this example of a non-financial report (in German) on page 15.
A modern shelf with integrated plants that combines both functionality and aesthetics. The green plants are harmoniously placed between the shelves and bring a piece of nature into the room. The design promotes a pleasant atmosphere, improves air quality, and gives the space a fresh, vibrant character.

3. Worry - Free Plant Care 

To ensure the optimal range of your humidity levels, plants must be healthy. Factors such as water, light, space, soil and more play a crucial role in their good development. With each plant having its own needs, caring for them can be time-consuming and complex. This is why we have established a maintenance system to ensure your greenery setting is well-looked after!

Our team will visit every two or three weeks to cut, adjust, and care for your plants, while providing you with individual feedbacks based on the sensors' results. This way, you can enjoy all the benefits of plants, maintain your desirable humidity levels, and never worry about their upkeep or appearance!

Knowing the benefits of indoor plants on humidity levels is one thing,
but actually making the switch and implement them in your offices is another.
But don't worry, we're here to help!​

The Smart Air Monitor

Using air sensors, we capture up to 11 parameters, which we process into easy-to-understand KPIs, such as the Health Support Index. You can then track these on the OxygenX analytics platform and improve them if necessary.

Your air quality data is one click away.


Measurable Climate, 24/7

Live transmission of your indoor air quality on your

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Comprehensible Analyses

Using advanced technology, graphs and reports will be accessible at any time.


Real-Time Warnings

Our sensors warn you in case one of the air factors reaches a critical level.

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Room Occupancy Overview 

The software allows you to see the percentage of occupied
rooms at any given time.

Personal Recommendations

With the help of the gathered data and regular greenery visits, suggestions will be given to you.

Monthly Reports for All

Every month, you will receive a report of your average indoor office air quality,

Oxygen X, for Pure Air and Productive Minds 

Benefits You Can Expect 

Healthy Air 

We offer plant concepts that are not only visually attractive, but also functional by cleaning the air.

No Casting Effort

Thanks to the included
professional maintenance, your office will remain green in the long-term.


You can use the web application to keep an eye on your room climate and its effect on employees.

Optimal Working Cimate 

We provide you with reports on the indoor climate, with which the healthy atmosphere can be shared.

The Path to a Green Office




Analysis of the premises and the needs of the users.


Plant Concept 

Calculation and visualisation of the number and type of plants for your office.



Plant delivery, installation of the air sensors and the real-time


Maintenance and Optimisation

Regular and professional care, replacement of unfit plants and recommendations for the indoor

Customer Testimonials
A modern lounge in the Microsoft office, filled with lush plant arrangements that create a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. The stylish furniture is framed by green accents that improve the indoor climate while promoting the well-being of employees. This green oasis in the office offers an ideal retreat for creative breaks and informal meetings.
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📍 Microsoft

Oxygen at Work is a prime example of an intelligent data-driven service. They do not only contribute to reducing our CO2 emissions, but they also create a healthy work environment and improve the well-being of our employees.

Michael Isaac, Head of PR & Communications

A stylish lounge in Smartvillage Munich, filled with vibrant plants that create a harmonious and energetic environment. The modern furnishings are complemented by lush greenery that adds a fresh, natural touch to the room. This green lounge offers an inspiring place for creative collaboration and relaxed breaks in the midst of a lively co-working environment.
📍 Smartvillage

Our employees and guests can now check the air quality during their meetings and experience the benefits of plants, such as reduced air pollution and optimal humidity, with all their senses.

Gerd Krohn, Co-Founder und CEO of Smartvillage 

A welcoming lounge in the Tadah Co-Working Space, surrounded by carefully placed plants that create a fresh and inspiring atmosphere. The cozy seating invites you to linger while the lush greenery enlivens the ambiance and brings natural calm into the workday. This green lounge strikes the perfect balance between productivity and relaxation.
📍 Tadah Co-Working Space 

Thanks to the intelligent plant concept from Oxygen at Work, we can run the business without a ventilation system and thus save about 700kg of CO2 per year.

Julia Cerebros, Co-Founder

A spacious open-space office at Dentsu, characterized by modern workstations and thoughtful plant elements that create a fresh and dynamic work environment. The green plant islands break up the open areas and contribute to a healthy indoor climate. This greenery not only enhances concentration but also brings a sense of calm and nature into the workday.
belinda koenig_edited.jpg
📍 Dentsu 

(..) We highly appreciate the loving care and professional consultation of the Oxygen team and are proud to have taken this step from an ecologically and economic sustainability point of view.

Belinda König, Head of Office Management  

Les fondateurs d'Oxygen at Work, Rita Salathe, Manuel Winter et Joel Bloch, assis sur des marches et souriant à la caméra.

We are Manuel, Rita and Joel, and we are committed to create healthier workplaces.

We understand how challenging it is to create an optimal work environment, and how few possibilities exist to significantly improve indoor office air quality.

That is why, in 2017, we founded our company, Oxygen at Work. Despite our distinct backgrounds, we all share the same passion: a drive to help people.

Whether physically or mentally, our goal is to ensure people feel at ease in their workplace.

We are happy to support you with our expertise and thank you for trusting us!

Want to get an individual plant concept for your office?

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